Thursday, November 28, 2019
Withholding federal tax income an Example of the Topic Government and Law Essays by
Withholding federal tax income The essay discusses various responsibilities of employers in respect to withholding of taxes. It indicates that employers play a crucial role in the administration of tax laws and in the collection of taxes from the employees. The essay shows the importance of employers playing their responsibilities well as they ease the collection of taxes by making it time efficient and cost effective. The responsibilities of employers in respect to withholding of taxes are mandatory and therefore any employer who fails to follow them fully is liable under the tax laws. Need essay sample on "Withholding federal tax income" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed People Usually Tell Us: Who wants to write essay for me? Essay writer professionals suggest: Professionals Are Creating Successful College Custom Essays! Top Rated Essay Writing Service Essay Writing Service Reviews Best Essay Writing Service College Essay Writing Service Introduction Employees earn taxable income as a result of services they offer to their respective employers. Anyone earning some income is expected under the tax laws to pay all the taxes without delay to the tax authorities. One of the major principles of tax collection is being economical in collecting taxes. The tax laws thus require any employer remunerating taxable income to an employee to deduct the tax liable on the employees remuneration before paying an employee his or her remuneration net of withholding tax. The employer is then required to submit the withheld taxes to the tax authorities on behalf of his or her employees (Dimsuyu, 1998). Responsibilities of employers in withholding federal income tax All employers have the responsibility of withholding all the tax due on their employees in respect to the remuneration being paid to the employees. This implies that if an employee has other sources of income which are taxable, the employer cannot withhold taxes based on such incomes which are not earned from the employment offered by the employer. The employer thus indicates on the pay slip of the employer, the gross income earned by the employee and the withheld tax. Basically, by the employer withholding taxes liable on his employees to the tax authorities, he simply collects such taxes on behalf of such authorities (Schriebman, 2002). Each and every household employer is required under the tax laws to withhold the right taxes from the paychecks of their employees. Specifically, the employers have the responsibilities of withholding the following taxes; half of the employees Medicare and social security; federal income taxes which should be based on the chosen allowances by the employee found in form W-4; state income tax that is based on the allowances selected by an employee also on W-4 form; and finally, the employers have the responsibility of withholding state taxes. This implies that before an employer pays his or her employees their wages, the employer must deduct such taxes and pay them to the respective tax authorities. But all the deductions made by the employer in respect to taxes withheld must be well indicated on the employees pay slips in order to show how the net payable amount was arrived at (Ryesky, 2003). Employers are required to report all income earned by their employees and the employment taxes they withhold from the income of their employees. They should then deposit the full amount of these taxes to either a bank or any other authorized financial institutions on behalf of their employees. The authorized financial institutions where the withheld taxes are deposited have to meet all the deposit requirements as stipulated by the federal tax laws. Every year, an employer has the responsibility of filling in the FUTA report. This report shows the amount of tax withheld by the employer during the year, the income that was earned by the employees and the taxes paid by the employer on behalf of the employees to the federal tax authorities (Schriebman, 2002). It is the responsibility of the employers to ensure that before the first day of December every year, he or she has advised all the employees to fully update their tax withholding forms. Employers should ensure that all the employees have duly completed and filed form W-4, which is the withholding certificate of the employees, and if there is any alteration which have o be made should be done so in time. If the completion of such forms indicates that an employee has altered his or her name recently, the employer has the responsibility of advising such an employee to report such changes to SSA in order to be given the social security card which reflects such changes. The employers also have the responsibility of telling their employees that all the social security cards must be up dated regularly in order to show clearly the names that are applicable for purposes of employment (Schriebman, 2002). It is worth noting that the responsibilities of employers in respect to withholding of taxes are obligations under the tax laws. This therefore means that employers must fully comply with all the stipulated requirements under the tax laws regarding withholding of taxes. Employers who fail to comply with these laws are liable under the law. In addition, they have to pay the taxes which were due on the employees, which they did not withhold (Dimsuyu, 1998). Conclusion All employers are required by the tax laws to withhold certain taxes from the taxable incomes of their employees. The responsibilities of the employers regarding to withholding of taxes ensure that there is increased tax collection efficiency as taxes of several employers are collected from a central point as opposed from being collected from each and every employer. It is the responsibility of the employers to deposit the withheld taxes banks and other financial institutions that are duly authorized by the tax authorities. The employers also have the responsibility of advising their employees on various issues relating to withholding of taxes. Such responsibilities enable the employees to be more conversant with the tax laws and also be able to complete various forms that are required for purposes of withholding of taxes. Reference: Dimsuyu, I. (1998): New York State and City Withholding Obligation, Magazine article of The CPA Journal, Vol. 68 Ryesky, K.H. (2003): "In Employers We Trust": the Federal Right of Contribution under Internal Revenue Code Section 6672, Fordham Journal of Corporate & Financial Law, Vol. 9 Schriebman, R.S. (2002): IRS Tax Collection Procedures, ISBN 0808008447, CCH.
Monday, November 25, 2019
English Sonnet Definition Essay Example
English Sonnet Definition Essay Example English Sonnet Definition Essay English Sonnet Definition Essay allusion reference to a person, place, even, thing that is known from science, religion, history, myth, culture. apostrophe a figure of speech in which the speaker addresses an absent or dead person or even an abstract quality or non-human as if it were present and able to respond. Metaphysical poets term applied to poets like Donne or Herbert and other 17th century poets who wrote in a deliberately difficult and abstract style. conceit an elaborate figure of speech that makes a surprising connection between two seemingly dissimilar things. metaphysical conceit a particularly startling conceit. incongruity lack of agreement, consistency, harmony. paradox a statement that seems to contradict experience but which may actually be true. wit a quality in speech or writing that combines verbal cleverness with deep insight. Lyric Poetry poem, often short, that has the form and musical quality of song; it is characterized by the song-like outpouring of the poets thoughts and feelings. Cavalier Poets characterized by; wit, short lines, precise language, charm, main themes; love, honor and time. Petrarchan abba abba cde cde rhyme scheme. (octet and sestet). Octave first eight lines of a sonnet. Sestet last six lines of a sonnet. Volta (turn) the turning point in the sonnet. (usually between the octet and sestet or between the last quatrain and the couplet). Shakespearean abab cdcd efef gg rhyme scheme. (4 quatrains and a couplet). Quatrain a four line unit in a sonnet. Couplet sums up or comments on the previous 12 lines of the sonnet. Sonnet a verse form consisting of 14 lines with a fixed rhyme scheme. Carpe Diem seize the day can be emphasized in poem.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Accounting managerial control CASE STUDY---Apple company Essay
Accounting managerial control CASE STUDY---Apple company - Essay Example e forces that he has described are: a) Threat of new entrants, b) Determinant of buying power, c) Threat of substitutes, d) Determinants of supplier power, and e) Rivalry among the firms. There are several threats in terms of new entrants. This is majorly because the industry is open to a number of players to come in and launch newer products with higher technology each day. Over the years there have been several companies that have tried to build their own operating systems however the market has become an Oligopoly with just Apple and Microsoft. These two form the biggest giants in the industry and this only face a threat among themselves. It is also to be noted to the barriers to entry in this market is relatively quite low and this is why the level of threat of new entrants would be very low for Apple. As seen in the case there is also a number of new entrants in the computer industry, however there are only a few well established brands here which include, IBM, Apple, and Microsoft. These form a strong barrier to entry for the smaller firms and hence the threat of new entrants is lesser. The threat of new entrants in this market is also relatively low since it d oes need high levels of capitals and also strong distribution channels. Also the companies will only be able to survive these markets if they produce based on economies of scale. This can only be done if the company has enough investments to be able to produce at higher levels. Hence the threat can be considered to be ââ¬ËLOWââ¬â¢. Looking at this in a strategic perspective it is seen that although Apple is a computer company has moved into the music and videos software successfully. Apple has used the technology available and has been able to create a very strong brand image for itself. The company has been known for the use of technology and excellent branding. The company has been able to create a strong image which forms a major reason for the success of the company. If the company is considered as
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Mergers and Acquisitions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Mergers and Acquisitions - Assignment Example But in acquisition only the acquiring company remains after completion of the process. The acquisition of whatsapp by facebook is discussed in the following pages. Whatsapp is a relatively new free mobile messaging service company which allows user to send messages to each other freely over the internet (It charges $1 as subscription charges after 1st year). It has a customer base of 450 million compared to facebook which has a customer base of 1.23 billion. Facebook is a giant in the area of social network and whatsapp has the potential to be a giant in the mobile messaging service domain. Facebook has recently completed its acquisition of Whatsapp for a whooping sum of $22 billion (Oreskovic, 2014). Among the big startup acquisitions that has taken place it ranks the biggest. Now the question arises why did facebook acquire whatsapp for such a whooping price? Among the many reasons some are: 4. For whatsapp things couldnââ¬â¢t be better because facebook has said that it will allow whatsapp to grow independently and wonââ¬â¢t interfere. So besides the cash and instant recognition whatsapp founders are also granted freedom of making decisions. Whereas Facebook has well established its presence in the social network where it has established itself as the market leader without any doubt, whatsapp on the other hand has all potentials to be a future leader in the mobile messaging service domain. In fact the growth rate of whatsapp in the first four years of operation is much higher that facebook had (A fact that was admitted by zuckerberg himself). Although this deal is pretty recent and its actual future implications and ramifications can be known at a later stage but, this deal is going to prove a major milestone and is actually a master stroke by Facebook CEO Zuckerberg. Effects of this deal are. 2. Through this deal Facebook has actually eliminated his competitor from a seemingly unrelated
Monday, November 18, 2019
Introduction to Planning and the Planning Hierarchy Article
Introduction to Planning and the Planning Hierarchy - Article Example lves environmental assessment, formulation of strategies, implementation of the strategies and the process of evaluation and control (Paul, 2011). In this regard, the two are similar in the process of gathering the information. As the nursing process inquires information from the patient, the strategic planning process assesses the environment to establish the changes that are required. In project management the most effective plan is developed and implemented by the project manager and the team. In the nursing process, a nurse adequately develops and integrates a plan to care for the patient. Also, in the strategic planning process, evaluation of the implemented strategies is important to assess whether the objectives are met. In the same case, evaluation process is undertaken by the nurses to assess whether the outcomes are achieved (Sare and Ogilvie, 2010). Nevertheless, the two are different from one another in a number of ways. In strategic planning process, the assessment is done in different levels of a company and the strategy to be implemented is dependent on the decision made by the top level management. In the nursing process, the nurse is the decision maker and basically dwells on the clinical judgments to ascertain the plan to undertake which is not influenced by his or her superiors but the code of conduct. Also, in the nursing process, the nurse may come up with the decision alone something that is not possible in strategic planning process where a number of strategies have to first be developed and weighed against the companiesââ¬â¢ vision, mission and goals and the involves a number of individuals at different levels of the organization. In this regard, the different nurse leaders or managers need to be familiar with the planning hierarchy and the various business principles to be able to effectively assess a health situation, develop proper initiatives to be undertaken and to properly integrate the needed plans to address a situation while
Friday, November 15, 2019
The History Of Holiday Representatives
The History Of Holiday Representatives They are responsible for people between the ages of eighteen to thirty during activities and night life entertainment which is normally held in the clubs around. They have to meet and greet people at the airport so its their job to make sure they know the amount of people they have to pick up at the airport. They are responsible to have great communication skills and to be able to meet new people everyday who they will then have to look after for a couple of days. To the organisation As they will be clubbing away most of the nights including the representative they have to make sure that the surrounding areas are safe for their customers. Health and safety checks are important this is in case of an incident which could occur especially if customers get too drunk so therefore the most important thing is to keep the place clean as possible and keep things where you found them. To suppliers There job is also to sell excursion like club and pub crawls, events outside the hotel and pool parties so therefore there responsibility is to make sure they are buying tickets from appropriate suppliers at a reasonable price especially because the representative look after a lot of people every week. Roles and Duties Meet and greet (Roles) 18-30 representatives have to take thousands of passengers all over the Mediterranean every summer and so therefore they have to meet and greet many people. In order to be keep the passengers entertained they need to have a great knowledge in communicating with them and have loads of confidence and enthusiasm. Transfers They transfer guests to and from the airport and hotels every day, they control airport transfers which means its an early start to take the departures to the airport and meet all the new arrivals. They are there to make sure that there are no problems with lost luggage or coaches. Welcome meetings They have to conduct welcome meetings which could be every day depending on the amount of clients or customers coming into the resort that you are currently working at. Welcome meetings consist of all the information that the guests need to know regarding excursions and activities within the hotel itself. Information booklets They are busy every day looking after their customers and participating in many activities and going on different excursions but they may have a bit of free time to get together an information booklet. This will give customers an idea of what they will be doing during their stay. Health and safety checks They complete risk assessments and health and safety checks which is very important and they will also have to make sure everything is up to standard. When they conduct these checks they will need to report any concerns they may have to someone who is higher than them in their career, they report incidents which they think is serious and they are not able to resolve on their own. Selling (e.g. excursions, car hire) They organise the entertainment for pool parties, club and pub crawls and party nights and they print off all the tickets needed for the events during the week. They also get involved in the activities; they make sure all clubs are safe and that the activities are located in appropriate areas. Calculating payments (e.g. currency, commissions, liquidation) They have to collect and balance foreign money and have a great knowledge to how to give discounts; this may be used if a customer is not happy with their hotel room for example the flush handle on the toilet is broken. Calculating foreign money can be quite difficult so they have to make sure they are giving the right amount to the customers because all pounds and notes are different world wide. Administration and paperwork They sort out all the reports and make sure that everyone has all the paperwork which they will need for the airport and the resorts in general. They also check that no last minute bookings have been made and report all the tickets that have been sold and expenses and suppliers that have been paid out that week. Problem solving (e.g. overbookings, complaints) They answer customers queries and problems, for example a passenger may have an accident in one of the night clubs and have to been taken to hospital in an emergency so its their job to go on that hospital trip with that passenger. This is because you will have to explain everything that happened and also because you are their representative during their stay. Non routine incidents (e.g. accidents, illness, emergency situations) Accidents and illness are a major situation and if for example a customer has jumped into the pool completely drunk, 18-30 representatives job is to make sure that there is a life guard around to jump in and get the passenger out as soon as possible. Transfer Representatives Responsibilities To the customer They are responsible to meet and greet passengers at the airport and take them to their hotel resort along with a talk on their journey to their accommodation keeping them entertained with commentary talk. They also have to keep an eye of each customers luggage so they get given the right one and their main job is to collect money from their customers followed by a receipt to show proof that they have paid. To the organisation Their responsibility is to let the receptionist at the hotel know how many passengers they will be bringing in and taking out each day so they know what rooms to clean. Health and safety checks regularly are important so all passengers can feel safe around the area these include checking hotel facilities and if they meet the customers requirements. To suppliers Transfer representatives are required to transfer passengers to and from the airport so therefore they have to keep in touch daily with coach companies. The reason for this is because the drivers of the coaches will need to know what hotel and airport to travel to and also the number of passengers they will be carrying as there will need to be luggage space at the bottom of the coach. Roles and Duties Meet and greet (Roles) They meet passengers as soon as they get off the plane and arrive at the airport with a welcoming smile and the company placard which is always needed as you dont know what your customers look like. This is followed by showing them their way to the coach with their bags and luggage. Transfers They accompany holiday makers to and from the airport and hotels by coach and they are the first to be seen by the passengers so therefore they always need to be approachable and carry a smile with them everywhere they travel. Coach commentaries During the coach trips down to the resorts they will have to keep their passengers welcomed and entertained and are also responsible for conducting a welcome talk that includesà basic information about the resort which they will be staying in. Welcome meetings They are normally held in the hotel itself which explains the drop offs which they will have to do regularly either at hotels or the airport, how long the trip will last altogether and when their welcome meetings will be conducted. Notice boards They have to read the transport department notice board on a daily basis to remind themselves what coach they will be picking their passengers up with, the time and date, name of airport, name of hotel and also the number of passengers they will be collecting. Health and safety checks They have to ensure all health and safety requirements are met in relation to transfers and carry them out on all hotels. This is important because you do not want passengers to carry a complaint about the rooms especially if its their first time staying in that hotel. Calculating payments (e.g. currency, commissions, liquidation) They will have to collect money from clients followed by a receipt to show evidence that the passenger have paid and also keep in mind the number of passengers they are taking making sure they identify their baggage. To help speed up the routine they could count the number of baggage personally. Administration and paperwork They have to accurately complete paperwork relating to transfers in relation with company guidelines and resort timeframes, complete basic records and write reports. Problem solving (e.g. overbookings, complaints) They have to deal with lost luggage and any injuries and thefts which may occur either at the resort or at the airport before getting picked up. Non routine incidents (e.g. accidents, illness, emergency situations) If any serious accidents occur or someone is seriously ill then they call for help as their role is to only complete the paperwork where they record the accidents for example; time, date, place, name of person and the accident that has happened. Childrens Representatives Responsibilities To the customer They are responsible to look after young children and keep them entertained by involving in a variety of activities in the hotel itself as well as outside and also to organise events and day trips out. Their main job is to tidy up after every mess they make and this is all due to health and safety, if an accident was to happen involving a child you will have responsibility for that and their parents will not feel safe to leave their child with you. To the organisation As they will be busy entertaining young children with board activities, quizzes, painting and drawing they have to make sure every area is clean and suitable for the kids to move around the room. Activities which are held in the resort itself can be quite nosy especially young children as they get excited easily, so therefore its the representatives job to make sure they are on their best behaviour and can keep the noise down as there will be people in their rooms and moving around the building. To suppliers Children Representatives are mainly required to hire a hall or a room at a hotel for the kids to be kept entertained for a day or two so they will have to rely on staff working in the hotel. This is because they will need to know where everything is to put it back at the end of the day and what equipment they are allowed to use. Roles and Duties Meet and greet (Roles) They have to build a great rapport with the children as well as their parents on arrival and explain how you will be their guide throughout their holiday; they will be responsible for escorting guests to their hotel. Welcome meetings They also hold a welcome meeting which consists of promoting holidays to the children and their parents advertising the childrens club alongside an overseas consultant. Notice boards Notice boards are required as they have to advertise what they will be doing each day, the times of each activity including snack and lunch breaks and also where the activities are going to be placed. The notice board will be up for the childrens parents to keep them informed of details of excursions as this includes travelling outside of the hotel. Information booklets Information booklets can be given out to parents and their children either on the coach, at the resort itself on the reception desk or even in their hotel rooms; this includes all the activities, excursions to do, restaurants around, fire exits and contact details of the hotel and the representative. Health and safety checks They have to focus on the health and safety of the children within the club environment and during the activities they participate in. This is to ensure no accidents or injuries occur within the resort and to make sure that the hotel is environmentally friendly. They also complete risk assessments for the childrens club and off-site as well as identifying the risks. Selling (e.g. excursions, car hire) They organise the activities to do and also the excursions meaning days out and taking the children to visit somewhere, they have to contact wherever they wish to visit and to let them know roughly the times they will enter and leave and also the number of children visiting. Calculating payments (e.g. currency, commissions, liquidation) They will have to collect payments from parents if they wish for their child to exit out of the hotel building and visit places with their guide and other children. They also need to have some background knowledge of different currencies because different countries require different types of money. Administration and paperwork Childrens representative complete accident forms in case of a serious fall which required an ambulance and they record incidents including; time, date, place and what happened. Their job is also to maintain attendance lists and register this is in case of an emergency where everyone has to leave the building, occasionally count that they have the right number of children with them, collect parents contact details and book in and out procedures. Problem solving (e.g. overbookings, complaints) They answer any questions parents may have and deal with any complaints for example a child was wearing a cardigan outside the hotel on her excursion with her team leader and came back to her parents without the cardigan. The parents will then argue about their daughters cardigan and it will be the childrens representative job to try and get it back by phoning wherever they had visited for the day. Non routine incidents (e.g. accidents, illness, emergency situations) Children have different needs; some have walking difficulties so therefore uses a wheelchair, some may be either blind or deaf, others may have an allergy to a certain food whereas others may have health needs e.g. eczema, asthma or diabetes. If any child has a serious accident for example a child on a wheelchair falls over then they will have the responsibility to deal with that so before looking after children they have to make sure they know each childs personal details. Organising activities (e.g. childrens club) They organising daytime and evening activities which include singing competitions, quizzes, board games, ball games which is held in the club, around the club and off-site. Excursions include children theme parks, aquariums, water parks, swimming pools, farms and zoos. They read bedtime stories to get them to fall asleep as some kids can be hyper from their day out and therefore cannot fall asleep. They also create safe activities for all ages, including anything from pyjama parties and sports days through to pirate and fairytaleà themed shows and activities. Managing groups Using their communication and observation skills they help all the children they look after to manage behaviour, resolve conflict and help them participate in activities. This will help them boost their confidence and enjoy something they have never done before or anything they thought they would never be able to do. Cleaning After each activity they are responsible to tidy up the mess which is left after a full day of different activities, this will help reduce accidents and injuries which could occur during the day if for example someone left a chair in the middle of the room.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Paideia of Freedom as a Truth and Paideia of Truth as a Freedom :: Philosophy
Paideia of "Freedom as a Truth" and Paideia of "Truth as a Freedom" ABSTRACT: This paper traces the development of the idea of Paideia as 'freedom as a truth' in Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance to the idea of Paideia as 'truth as a freedom' that characterizes the present and is directed toward the future. It comments on the ideas of Schelling and Heidegger which have contributed toward this transformation. W. Jà ¤ger (1) ("unitary method") presents "Paideia": both as medicine, and as Goodness, and as bringin-up justice in the state (governers, guards, citizens, women and children). It practically includes all riches of culture. It is possible to argue about definition for a long time. To us the classics is closer. In greek Platon's "Paideia" (IV ad.) a problem about an possibility and limits of attempts to improve man's life was put in a classical form. There are three classical approaches: Education of each separate citizen of a society (sometimes groups of the citizens) directly through introduction of ethical norms, developed by sages. Education of the elite of a society at first in conspiracy from most people, who then will transform a society in general. Or, finally, third "average" approach of the special influence on free activity of the person, with the purpose of understanding him of Truth of the Boon. If, certainly, both Truth and Boon still appreciated by the man of Freedom. Presently the classical statement of a problem has got other form. How will the concept of the Boon and Paideia be transformed, if the relations between Freedom and Truth will considerably change to opposite? In such form the problem is put in the title of the article. Actually before the terms "Freedom" and "Truth" a word "essence" is omitted. Classics talk about "essence of Freedom" and "the essence of Truth". One should remember and mentally "thought" about it. The complete name should sound like: "Ambiguity of Schelling understanding of "essence of Freedom as of a Truth - God" in comparison with ambiguity of Heidegger understanding of "essence of Truth of Being as Freedom" in struggle of philosophical ideas on a problem of con-crete (total specific) "se lf-development ââ¬â self-creativity ââ¬â self-creation" of Paideia. "in a whole" "now-and-here" "in this person" today". The understanding of relations between Freedom and Truth by Schelling appears to be the representation of understanding of relations between Freedom and Truth by Heidegger.
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